In anticipation of this school year’s computing-heavy curriculum of Engineering students, ESCALATE: Calculator Workshop was organized by ORSP - UST Chapter to aid the need of the students in using their calculator intelligently. Held on September 27, 2019, at the Engineering Conference Hall from 8:00 AM to 12:00NN, the workshop aimed to introduce different techniques and shortcuts of the scientific calculator that will make them solve arithmetic problems using the said tool.
Signaling the start of the event was Ariel A. Salvador Jr., President of ORSP – UST Chapter, who delivered his opening remarks and welcomed the participants armed with their calculators.
This year, Nisa B. Tamayo, the Vice President of Academics and Research of ORSP-UST Chapter was chosen to be the student lecturer and facilitator of the calculator workshop. It is the first time for the organization to have a student lecturer as the resource speaker/instructor. In addition, the workshop was comprised of lectures and exciting games.
Aside from learning about the scientific calculator, Ramon Gomez of 2IE-C won the raffle and was able to receive a unit of a scientific calculator. Another attendee, Justine Esguerra of 2IE-C, was proclaimed the winner of Taters popcorn, which is also part of the raffle.
As the workshop ended, the participants left the conference hall still armed with their calculators but with the added weapon of techniques and shortcuts that they can use throughout their student life in Ruano. This event was sponsored by Taters Popcorn and the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.