ACCELERATE: The ORSP-UST team building event was held at the Avida Towers Prime Taft Tower 1 Clubhouse at The 20th day of October from 8 am to 5 pm, intended for officers to instill the core goals, mission, and vision of the organization and cultivate relationship and
teamwork among the officers.
The event was graced by the participation of three former presidents, namely Engr. Melissa Karen Mico (‘12-13’), Engr. Ronelle Anne Bombales (‘14-15’), and Engr. Joyce Pamela Laguna (’17 - ‘18).
Started with the opening remarks by the current president, Ariel Salvador, Engr. Laguna gave advice about efficiently working as a team, fixing the relationship, and establishing a good rapport. Engr. Bombales, unable to personally present at the event, shared a short video greeting specially made for the current members. Engr. Mico talked about ORSP leaders as game-changers and how the organization has molded her.
Various team building activities such as the blind game, rock-paper-scissors with a twist, t- shirt relay, human tic tac toe, and forming the longest line prepared by the hosts, ORSP-UST’s very own, Ariel Salvador and Keziah Cueto. All participants showed their competitiveness and abilities to work in teams.
As the team building nears to an end, an Oath of Commitment was wholeheartedly delivered by the officers, lead by the Executive Vice President, Keziah Cueto. Officially ending the event, Sir Gabriel Bucu, the organization’s very own adviser, gave his closing remarks and instilling feelings of camaraderie among all officers and members of the ORSP-UST Chapter.